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Blog Content, User Experience (UX), and Website Structure

One of the biggest assets your business has is website traffic.

Content marketing is one of the best ways to generate this traffic.

Once your content marketing strategy is in place, the traffic it generates for free.

Every company today is (should be) a publishing company.

What you publish online, whether on your site or anywhere else, should generates (attract) traffic.

Traffic is required for sales conversions and conversions are required for revenue.

When thinking about content marketing we typically just think about the content. The bigger picture is that there are three main focuses that are required for everything you publish.

Those focuses are content, structure, and user experience.

When all three come together it results in the best content that is consumed most effectively by your audiences.

In this post, I will go over the 3 key concepts to keep in mind when publishing content that will attract your ideal audience to your psychology practice.

Table of Contents

Blog Content

Content is your ideas, news, entertainment, information.

It is the core of what you publish.

The content that you publish should be related to what your audience needs to continue on the road towards booking your services.

You need quality content on topics your audience cares about and in the medium that your audience wants to consume.

The content you produce is content that your audience wants to consume as they are on the road from awareness to conversion.

User Experience (UX)

“User experience” encompasses all aspects of the end-user’s interaction with the company, its services, and its products. [source]

The user experience needs to be planned out for the type of user experience your audience is looking for. The way your content is received is going to be based on the user experience it is delivered in.

The content medium is very important. The same content can be used for video, blog posts, podcasts. The content can also be broken up into smaller pieces for social media.

Different audiences will have different user experience expectations. Continuously refine you user experience as you learn more and more about your audience.

Website Structure

The definition of a taxonomy is: a classification into ordered categories.

The definition of a framework is: Broad overview, outline, or skeleton of interlinked items which supports a particular approach to a specific objective and serves as a guide that can be modified as required by adding or deleting items.

A framework allows you to create a big picture of your domain.

Organizing your knowledge into higher level understanding will help your content to be better organized.

A classification allows you to categorize your content.

Categorization of your content allows your audience to search for different pieces of your content.

The framework shows the big picture, you can then use the taxonomy to search for related content.

Traffic: Content and Structure

The intersection of content and structure is content that has been created with good structure.

Content of this form is more easily consumed by your audience.

More importantly the content can be better understood by Google.

Google is constantly getting better at understanding content in order to connect users with the best content for their searches.

If you have good content with good structure, Google will understand your information.

This understanding will allow Google to send more traffic to your site.

Not only will you get more traffic, the traffic will be better quality and therefore more likely to become booked clients.

Conversion: Content and UX

The intersection of content and user experience is content that is being presented with an excellent user experience.

When your audience can come to your site and consume your content with an enjoyable experience that is going to build you authority and trust.

That authority and trust is going to drive conversions which will result in more booked clients for your practice.

Time on site: Structure & UX

The intersection of structure and user experience produces a site that is easily navigable.

By consuming one piece of content, other related content is easily found.

The result is that the audience that comes to your site is going to consume more of your content.

By consuming more content, you keep these visitors on your site for a longer time.

The longer they are on your site the more likely they will continue their journey towards booking a session.

7 Responses

  1. I have read some excellent stuff here. Definitely worth bookmarking for revisiting. Claud Wingerson

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